Posted tagged ‘herding the cat’

“…freshly cut Christmas trees smelling of stars and snow and pine resin – inhale deeply and fill your soul with wintry night…”

December 6, 2016

I am blustering and out of sorts. I had another go around with Target as I got the wrong book again, the same wrong book. I spoke to two people, the first being incompetent. The problem, as determined by the supervisor, my second person, is that Biscuit’s Touch and Feel Christmas is in the wrong place at the warehouse. I have to send back poor Biscuit or I won’t get a refund on the actual order. It is my responsibility to correct their problem or lose my money. I am an unhappy consumer.

I have much to do today, but it is a lovely day to go out and do my errands. I have to vote, get the dog’s new license, shop for batteries and some storage bins and then hit the post office. Gracie will be happy as she can come as it is cool enough for her to wait in the car.

Gracie is an occasional toilet water drinker though I keep her water dish freshly filled as Maddie also drinks out of it. Today the toilet bowl on the bottom was filled with sand. I have no idea what Gracie was digging. When I checked her water bowl, it was also sandy, and the floor had a trail of wet paw prints. I have no idea what that dog is up to when she goes outside. Today in the hall she herded poor Maddie. She jumped left and right so Maddie couldn’t pass her. Gracie’s butt was in the air so it was playtime, but not for the cat. I saved Maddie. Gracie looked disappointed.

My house has a bit more Christmas. I brought up my scrub pine, and it was lit last night. This afternoon I’ll bring up more. A little bit of Christmas makes me anxious for a lot more.

My sisters, my cousins and I are all Christmas enthusiasts. It is genetic from our parents: my mother, my mother’s brother Uncle Jack, and my mother’s sister, Aunt Bunny. All our halls are totally decked. I am probably the only one who doesn’t have my tree yet, but I will by Thursday. My house will scream Christmas by the end of the week.