Posted tagged ‘repair men’

“Games lubricate the body and the mind.”

January 10, 2011

Yesterday I had all intentions of doing another entry so I got coffee, sat down, got comfy and turned on the computer, but it didn’t turn on, didn’t even make a clicking sound. I got on the floor and checked every cord, all eight hundred of them, and found two usb cords attached to the back of the computer but attached to nothing else. Still on the floor I followed every wire and found three which belonged to machines I no longer have. Now I had my cords down to seven hundred and ninety five ( counting the homeless usb cords), but my computer still wouldn’t start. I took out and then replaced all the cords. Nothing. Finally I gave up and sat down with a new, hot cup of coffee and started reading. Today a computer man came and lo and behold it was the power cord. It was plugged into a surge protector with battery back up and only one side of the surge protector worked, and it was not the computer side. I am $70.00 poorer but I have my computer back!

We had only 3 or so inches of snow over Saturday night, and it was a winter wonderland when I woke up on Sunday morning. The plow had been by, and it buried two of my three newspapers. The New York Times was the only one visible. An edge of its blue plastic stood up from the pile left by the plow. I had to wait until my driveway was plowed before the papers reappeared.

When I was a kid, we only had a toys or games which never needed a repair man. If the tire on my bike had a leak, I’d find it and fix it. If I’d misplaced a piece from a game, I’d use something else. A button worked just as well as the Monopoly shoe. Many of my games had those hit the arrow with your fingers counters so we always had one to use. I grew out of most of my games, and they sat, with all their pieces and boards and counters, on the closet shelf or in the cellar. Other games I never outgrew. Sorry is just about my favorite, and the game I still have is  over forty years old. It still has all its pieces, all of the men and all of the cards. The board isn’t even faded. It has aged better than I.