Posted tagged ‘never trust anyone over thirty’

“There is no old age. There is, as there always was, just you.”

January 17, 2014

Today will reach 45˚ and tonight we’ll have snow showers. It’s no wonder people go stir crazy in winter. Mother Nature gives us this lovely day with sun and blue skies then whacks us with snow while we’re sleeping. Tomorrow may rain or it may snow. The day sounds ugly. I suppose I shouldn’t expect much as the Spring Equinox is a long way off, March 20 at 12:57 P.M, which means more of winter is ahead than behind. The only consolation is every day gets a bit longer.

Gracie and I may go out riding today. We were in all day yesterday. I read, and Gracie napped and snored. The cats too napped but that’s what they usually do. I paid my bills. The bed got made and the house got cleaned. It was a productive day.

I am long passed needing to accomplish anything on a given day. It just so happened yesterday. I think I polished the furniture one day last week, but I’ll have to check my diary to see, as if…I do need to water the plants. I’ll have to work up to that task.

When I was a kid, I couldn’t wait to be a teenager, and when I was teenager, I couldn’t wait to be twenty-one, legal to drink and to vote, an interesting combination. Thirty struck me hard. I was part of the, “Never trust anyone over thirty,” generation, and we were all there or even beyond it. I didn’t mind being forty. It was just a number, but fifty threw me for a loop. I was half a hundred, half a century old. There was no other way to think of it. I retired at fifty-seven, a lucky number just because of circumstances. For my sixtieth birthday my sisters and I took a tour of Fenway, went out to dinner then to a Sox game. It was a perfect celebration. All of my friends and I are now on the backside of sixty. One of my friends will be sixty-nine this year. That boggles my mind. How can that be?