“Reality can be very boring.”

The new snow makes the world look pristine, but I don’t care. We only got an inch or less, but it doesn’t matter. I am becoming unhinged. I can see myself running down the street with my arms waving over my head while I’m yelling a jumble of nonsense, my mind unable to form coherent sentences. The only distinguishable word is snow said over and over.

Yesterday I cleaned shelves, watered plants, changed my bed and swept the kitchen, negative effects of all this snow. In the afternoon, I finally saved myself by taking a nap.

I can’t imagine my mother having four kids stuck in the house. She must have gone crazy. The diversions back then were limited:  TV, with shows only in the late afternoon, books and our all time favorite: teasing my sisters. They’d scream and yell to my mother. My brother and I always feigned innocence. Our favorite was when we’d point and hold our fingers a few inches from our sister’s face. When she screamed as she always did, I’d yell, “We’re not even touching her.” My mother, wise to our ways, told us to stop whatever we were doing.

My sister has and is continuing to get have snow. She got about 7 inches last night and more will fall over the next two days, up to a total of two feet. This morning she saw a cross-country skier on the sidewalk.

The bird feeders are empty. I’ll have to go through the unshoveled snow on the deck to get there, but I will. I don’t want my poor birds wanting.

Life is boring right now. I can read only so long, the TV offers little to watch despite the number of channels and I haven’t any reason to be out and about. Maybe I’ll do more cleaning, but the mere mention of that is further proof I am losing my grasp on reality.

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12 Comments on ““Reality can be very boring.””

  1. olof1 Says:

    We had sunshine here today and a nasty wind. But the sunshine was so hot the snow started to melt away on the south side of our homes, barns and sheds. As long as one stayed away from the wind it was like a spring day! From now on nights will be cold but days warm and they say the sun will shine quite a lot, too bad I’m working all day 🙂

    But as long as the weather was as it was, grey, cloudy and cold I saved my sanity by sowing seeds 🙂 The ones I sow now need a cold period so after a day indoors I just toss them outside on the north side of my cottage. I have some tomatyo seeds too so I think I’ll sow them too and have them in the windows with most daylight until spring arrives.

    I have no wish what so ever to drive to work tomnorrow so I better check if I won anything in the lottery yesterday 🙂

    Have a great day!

    • katry Says:

      I always think you should have more snow than I do, but you don’t. Most of the time you are walking where the water and bog are not frozen so you have been having warm weather. I’m glad for you but not so glad for me.

      Here there is just too much snow for seeding, but then I would never have thought of sowing seeds in winter. As we get closer to spring, I can start thinking about seeding inside.

      Good luck! I always want to win the lottery but I seldom buy tickets.

      Have a great evening!

  2. Caryn Says:

    Hi Kat,
    It’s snowing. I removed the first batch of 6 inches at about 8:30 this morning. I expect several more batches of 6 inches before Tuesday. Complete hibernation is sounding very good right now. If I sleep through winter, I won’t care how much snow is blocking the doorway. The dogs would get antsy, though. 🙂

    On a positive note, I saw two robins in my yard yesterday and I purchased a pot of mini daffs. Temporary relief from the gruesome prospect of shoveling white crap but lovely to contemplate just the same.

    I’m going to rest up for the next set of 6.
    Enjoy the day.

    • katry Says:

      Hi Caryn,
      It’s not snowing here but it is still really icy which is now covered by that inch of snow.

      I don’t have to be anywhere until Tuesday so I’m hunkering down. Peapod comes today so my larder will be filled. The back steps are clear for Gracie so she can get outside.

      I hate to break it to you but there are winter robins who stay around. I have them at my feeder the whole season. I did hear birds singing the other morning so that’s a good sign. I also bought dafs.

      Be careful shoveling!

      Have a great day-hibernate!!

      • Caryn Says:

        I know about the robins but I’ll go with the lie for now. 🙂 There were only two but I was diligently searching for four more because 6 robins in the same place makes it an official migration and that only happens in Spring.

        No snow fell for the rest of the day. It’s lying in wait for me to let my guard down.

      • katry Says:

        I shall count my robins. Perhaps there are enough for me to believe spring is really coming.

        No snow here either and water is dripping from the roof. I’m afraid it will freeze so I’ve thrown out de-icer on the front and back steps.

        Snow can be tricky!

  3. Bob Says:

    It hasn’t snowed here since I arrived last night but the sky is still overcast. There’s only a couple of feet or so of snow on the ground. I’m in Canada and they should know how to keep their streets clear. I just looked out the window and there are some flurries. Last night I ordered in Chinese food for dinner and lunch today. Tomorrow I have to work. I’ll try to keep warm. 😊

    • katry Says:

      Here in New England they should also know how to keep the roads clean, but the DPW said it just didn’t have enough contractors to finish as quickly as they wanted.

      We are the lucky ones this storm as it is north of us expecting more snow today and tomorrow.

      Hmmm, Chinese food sounds great!

      Warm and dry!!

  4. MT C Says:

    Was speaking with my sister this afternoon (nearly all afternoon) when she reminded me about her freshman year in HS (I was a senior). She said that winter was very much like the one you are having now. Lots of snow, storm after storm, and plenty of cold to go with it. To tell the truth, the New England winters I remember were pretty much about snow and cold. Constant.

    In consideration of your current plight, I will only mention that she lives in TX and it was 76F there today with a light breeze and plenty of sun, as it has been most of their winter this year. As for me, I spent the early part of the day doing yard work, mostly raking leaves as it was 64F with the normal gentle breeze when we have winter warm like this (35 to 50 mph). Just a light mention, nothing to make you jealous or ranting/raving…


    • katry Says:

      It rained but the snow is back. I think we’re due for 4 inches which I’ll take happily because my sister has a total of 2 feet from this storm. We had almost no snow until last week.

      My sister in Colorado had 73˚ this weekend. Last week it was below zero there. My yard work consists of clearing steps and throwing out de-icer!

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