The Tip of the Iceberg: Owl City

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11 Comments on “The Tip of the Iceberg: Owl City”

  1. Spaceman Says:

    Owl City is cool.

    This is the best known –

  2. im6 Says:

    In the studio, Owl City is essentially a one-man band, Adam Young.

    • katry Says:

      Why do they add musicians for their videos?

      • im6 Says:

        He augments his sound with other musicians when in concert. It’s pretty much impossible to duplicate the multitude of tracks in concert; otherwise he might as well just play the CD. If you’ll notice, on his videos for “Fireflies” and “Tip of the Iceberg,” there *aren’t* other musicians — just Adam.

  3. katry Says:

    I am not at all familiar with Owl City. The song just fit today. I find songs then listen to see if they’ll fit and whether I like the music. This worked perfectly, and I liked his music and his voice right away.

  4. im6 Says:

    Not to contradict Spaceman, but this is probably his best known song, even if he’s not credited so people don’t know it’s Owl City:

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