“Life, within doors, has few pleasanter prospects than a neatly-arranged and well-provisioned breakfast-table.”

Today is an ugly day but a warm day. It is 45˚. I can hear the melting drops of snow dripping off the roof and hitting the deck. The dogs come in wet from running around the backyard soaked from melting snow. The steps are clear in the front and in the back. We had sun, but it was only a tease for a little while. Showers are predicted for later today so the clouds have moved in and taken over.

The wind is so strong I could feel the breeze blowing through the dog door up the hall. I closed the door. About five minutes later both dogs wanted out. I opened the door. They poked their heads out but stayed in the house. I think it was a test to determine their hold over me. They backed into the house and went down the hall. I got their tail ends. I hope that wasn’t a political statement.

The sun showed up a few minutes ago. All of a sudden the clouds lightened. I can see and hear the melted drops falling fast outside the den window. The sound is constant as if it were raining. The wind is still strong. The few brown oak leaves still on the trees are losing their battle with the wind.

My father cooked Sunday breakfast when I’d visit for the weekend. He’d always ask how I wanted my eggs cooked. I usually said over-easy. I loved dipping into the yolk with the toast. My father always started with the bacon. He cooked it in the cast iron frying pan. The eggs were next. They cooked in the bacon grease and were delicious. I always chose the rye bread for my toast. My father never broke the yolks.

When I was young, Chinese food was exotic. The only ethnic food we ate was spaghetti and meatballs. I remember my first foray into strange dining. We were visiting my aunt, the aunt whose husband owned the fish market. She served us spaghetti with clam sauce. It wasn’t red. It didn’t have meatballs. It had pieces of clams and a few clamshells with cooked inhabitants. I liked clams, and I liked spaghetti but wasn’t so sure they went together, but I was game. I was also surprised. It was tasty.

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6 Comments on ““Life, within doors, has few pleasanter prospects than a neatly-arranged and well-provisioned breakfast-table.””

  1. Christer. Says:

    Still below 32 here today but now it’ll change to warmer, we might even get 50F later this week. I’m not complaining about that 🙂 🙂

    Good thing You wrote about eggs 🙂 I was thinking I should boil some so I can have them on my sandwiches with perhaps some cheese 🙂

    Have a great day!


    • katry Says:

      Hi Christer,
      I love eggs and eat them often for dinner. My organic grocery store has deviled eggs, and I also love them.

      It is still warm at 8:30, 47˚, but it will start getting colder. Tuesday will be freezing.

      Have a great Monday!!

  2. Bob Says:

    Hi Kat,

    Today, was cloudy until about four when the sun broke through the clouds. The high was only 51° with a moderate north wind. Chilly but not cold.

    My father’s breakfast treat was to make eggs, lox, and onions. He would whip the eggs in a blender to get them fluffy and added the chopped onions and pieces of smoked salmon. Then he poured the mixture into a greased skillet with a tight lid and let the eggs rise over a low heat. He loved it, but I liked what your father made much better.

    My parents were adventurous eaters and they took us to both Chinese and Italian restaurants from an early age. I will eat almost anything except Indian and Thai food. I don’t like the flavor of curry nor very hot and spicy food.

    Once I was flying home on British Airways and when the flight attendant got to my row in the cheap seats the only dinner that was available was chicken masala. I thought I was going to puke from the aroma. Luckily, they had a large supply of Kit Kat bars in the galley and I sustained myself over the 10 hour flight to DFW by eating numerous chocolate bars. The British aren’t known for their cuisine but British Airways Economy class meals bring airline food to a new low level. I used to think that American Airlines economy class meals served on international flights was horrible until I flew on British Airways. 🙁

    • katry Says:

      Hi Bob,
      We stayed in the high 40’s today, warm for January. Actual winter temps will be here on Tuesday when it will be freezing. It will stay a few days then we’ll back to the 40’s.

      I loved Sunday breakfast, and it was always Sunday. I don’t know why not Saturday then I remembered it was his errand day. I can still see my father at the stove cooking my breakfast.

      Indian food is far more than curry. Most of it is not curry. My first taste of Indian food was in Ghana. The restaurant was perfect. It looked like India to me. That’s also where I ate Middle Eastern food for the first time, and, of course, African food. I hadn’t had food so hot as in Ghana. I will eat heat, but not Ghanaian food heat.

      We also went out for Italian. Usually it was take-out for Chinese. Back in those days those were the most ethnic restaurants around. When I was in high school, we used go to the North End for dinner. Now I’ll try just about any sort of food. I don’t remember any food problems with British Air but it has been a while since I last flew on it so I’m just forgetting.

      • Bob Says:

        Of the three misconceptions I had about the U.K. Before visiting was, warm beer, bad food, and ugly woman. Only the first too were correct. Some of their woman were very attractive. 🙂 I have had other Indian dishes, such as Butter Chicken and some kind of Tandoori Chicken. Those both had some kind of flavor that I didn’t like. I also don’t like Cilantro. To my cousin, my sister and myself, it tastes like soap. I think it’s a genetic thing.

      • katry Says:

        The food in England, particularly London, I found to be excellent. I have had some great meals. What I especially like is the number of ethnic restaurants. I even found a Chinese restaurant with different food than I’d ever had.

        I don’t drink beer, but I suspect that the warm beer misconception started a long time ago and has just stuck around. Even in Ghana fridges are now everywhere, and you can find cold beer. That wasn’t so when I lived there.

        Cilantro is a major ingredient in Indian food. I agree about it being genetic.

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