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4 Comments on “”

  1. katry Says:

    A.D. Posey quote

  2. Bob Says:

    Back in the stone ages, about 1981, I contracted the flu in August and I didn’t have a family doctor so I called my opthomoligest buddy. He told me at the time there was no drugs that he could prescribe for the flu except homemade chicken soup. He had an internal medicine professor at Tulane Untversity Medical school who did a study of home made chicken soup and it contains the vitamins and electrolytes that help with the flu. Of course the canned stuff didn’t work. There’s a reason chitin soup is called Jewish Penicillin. 🙂

    • katry Says:

      My mother too recognized the value of chicken soup, but I think she used the canned variety. Nothing better than slurping a noodle.

      We were lucky that we were seldom, sick except for the usual kids’ stuff.

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