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5 Comments on “”

  1. katry Says:

    Quote from Alan Shepard talking about his time on the lunar surface during the Apollo 14 mission in February 1971.

  2. minicapt Says:

    “Models on display in East Germany of the Sputnik (launched 1957)
    and the more elaborate Sputnik III (launched 1958)”


    • katry Says:

      I remember pictures of Sputnik published in the papers.

      The golden snitch in Harry Potter looked a little like it.

  3. Bob Says:

    Sputnik heated up both the Cold War and the US space program. Any fighter pilot will tell you that if you attack the enemy from above will win the dog fight. Having a possible spy or nuclear armed satellite was a very scary thing in 1957.

    • katry Says:

      I knew how scary it was back then. We figured we were being watched and a bomb was forthcoming.

      Sputnik spurred more math and science in school curriculums and the rush to get us into space.

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