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5 Comments on “”

  1. katry Says:

    Emily Dickinson quote

  2. minicapt Says:

    A local aquacultural community along the Charles River in Cambridge …

    Or- http://www.everyculture.com/A-Bo/Benin.html


    • katry Says:

      I knew it was Ganvie as I went there when I was in the Peace Corps. We had to take a canoe out to the village. It was market day when I was there. The market consisted of boats side by side. There was even a bar on stilts. We stopped there!

    • katry Says:

      These are great pictures. I think some of them might have been taken outside the forts along the coats where the slave ships stopped. Jamestown still has a lighthouse though it isn’t lit. It is the oldest neighborhood in Accra.

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