“I call this season fake weather. The sun is shining but it cold like the north pole outside.”

Winter has us and is holding on far too tightly. Last night was way, way below freezing, a negative temperature with the wind chill. Today is not much better. The walk to the driveway and the mailbox is treacherous, icy and uneven. I take mincing steps. Cars driving on the street make crunching sounds on the icy road. Nothing is melting. More snow is coming starting on Sunday. I am numb from the onslaught.

I bought a pot of flowers yesterday, yellow dafs. They were beside the register and the color caught my eye. I so need more than white. I am so tired of snow. Today I think I’ll wear bright red.

My elementary school yard was mostly a parking lot for Sunday mass. There were two baskets only the boys could use and a green bicycle rack under the trees. In spring that’s where I parked my bike. During recess little kids chased each other and played tag while the girls jumped rope or just stood in groups talking. I was never a rope jumper.

We were directed by bells, hand-held gold bells with wooden handles. A bell would ring every hour, and we’d change subjects. Lunch began and ended with a bell. We’d hear the first bell, pull out our lunch boxes, get milk from the case in the front of the room and then sit down to eat and talk but only from our desks. A bit later another bell would ring and we’d go outside for recess, the only real break in our school day. We went out every day except when it was raining.

The older I got the less I liked recess. It was mostly boring and in winter it was really cold, never a consideration for calling off recess. My friends and I would stand there longing for the bell to call us back into the building. We didn’t care it meant back to work. We just knew it meant being warm again.

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3 Comments on ““I call this season fake weather. The sun is shining but it cold like the north pole outside.””

  1. olof1 Says:

    As I remember it we had 40 minute lessons, two in a row and then a recess. 20 minutes in the morning, lunch 30 minutes and then a 20 minute recess in the afternoon and I guess we got a few 5 minutes too when we got too tired 🙂

    Rather warm here today so the two inches thick ice we had on the smaller roads started to melt making it rather difficult to drive, the big rioads were great though. We’ll have warm days and cold nights from Monday, tomorrow will be cold all day they say.

    I don’t have any space for more plants so I sow seeds to keep my longing for spring under controll 🙂

    Have a great day!

    • katry Says:

      We had only one recess after lunch. It was about 15 minutes long I think. I don’t remember how many classes we had, but I would guess 8 or 10 but some would not be every day and alternate.

      We have snow flurries right now. The big storm starts Sunday and will go until Tuesday. We don’t need it. The roads are awful with icy ruts making it easy to slide. The now plow piles are so high you can’t see cars coming unless you go out into the road.

      I too am anxious for spring!

      Have a great evening.

  2. Jay Bird Says:

    There is nothing like the sound of car tires or boots crunching on icy snow, or the scraping of ice off a windshield. Never forget it if you’ve wintered in the north. Someone once sent me a video of ice scraping. Oh, that sound! Wish I had it now to send to my many friends who now snowbird in Florida or Myrtle Beach.

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