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13 Comments on “”

  1. katry Says:

    J.M. Barrie quote

  2. Spaceman Says:

    Sun is finally out – after about a week of overcast & cold rain. Hurray

    • katry Says:

      It was out all day here as well. The sunset was lovely. I watched from the window-too cold to be outside.

      I love listening to The Beatles.

  3. GnuFool Says:

  4. MT C Says:

    Ahhhh, yes. Flowered dresses, suits and ties at the bowling alley, even a kid with an interest in something non-electronic, those were the days!


    • Carl,
      Did you notice it was candlepin bowling? I think New England is about the only place it is played.

      • MT C Says:

        I was thinking it was candle pin, but the balls on the rack looked a bit too large, like maybe rubber duck or something. And New England seems to be the stronghold of candle pin. I’ve never seen it anywhere else. Bowled a lot when I was growing up. One of my favorite things. Was really never very good, but did enjoy it.


      • Carl,
        I saw the ball going down the alley, and it is a candlepin ball.

        When I was in high school we bowled as a crowd on Friday or Saturday nights. We didn’t have ten pin in those days because, as you said, New England is the hot spot for candlepin. My folks used to watch Bowling for Dollars every Saturday. It was on several years.

        I bowled ten pin for the fist time when I was in my 20’s.

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