Year of the Cat: Al Stewart

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11 Comments on “Year of the Cat: Al Stewart”

  1. im6 Says:

    Still love this song. Few tunes capture an era as successfully as this one does and hearing it takes me back to the 70s if only for 6:38 minutes.

  2. GnuFool Says:

    I like this song

  3. Annie Says:

    Thank you for this song Kat, it really takes me back & makes me feel very nostalgic.
    I am writing this whilst on holiday in Tuscany about 2 hours from Florence. We are staying in such a beautiful place, remote and beautiful, high in the hills, in an ancient landscape.
    All that can be heard is the sound of birdsong and the chirrup of ciccadas.
    Amazingly there is wifi access, so I can check in with the world!
    Hope all is well with you.


    • katry Says:

      That’s one of my favorite thing about music-it conjures memories, some long forgotten.

      Okay, I admit I am jealous of where you are. It has been a long time since I was last in and around Florence and I loved it. Remote is what makes it so appealing, but it’s good you can still connect with the world. I would be there sitting outside under a tree reading and listening to those sounds you describe.

      Have a wonderful time!!

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