“Look up in the sky! It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s Superman!”

Today is a low-keyed day though I do have one triumph to report. A mouse now has a new residence. I caught my first one last night. It fell for the old cheese in the box routine. I noticed its capture around 10:30 last night so Gracie and I took the mouse for a ride and, in defiance of the law, relocated it a few blocks away. The mouse was a black one, and I think the same one the dog was chasing on Christmas Eve. I wish it well in its new home wherever that is.

The week has been a busy one for me, and I’m done with it. Today is a nothing day: no errands, no mice, no sun and no ambition. Maybe I’ll read, or maybe I won’t. I’m ambivalent. I’d watch the syfy channel, but today is destroy Earth day, and I’ve already seem most of them. I know the endings-the Earth is always saved.

When I was a kid, I don’t remember ever having nothing days. Monday to Friday was school, and it consumed most of my week. At this time of year, when I’d get home, the dark came too early, and it was usually too cold for playing outside in the afternoons. We’d play in the cellar instead or play a board game while lying on the living rug or watch television.

Superman was on TV every day at 4:30. It never occurred to me back then that Lois, Jimmy and Perry should have seen through Clark’s disguise and should have followed up the questions Lois always asked about Clark’s disappearance when Superman was on the scene. It looked like Superman was really flying though I knew he wasn’t. I can still remember the flying music and the sound of the wind as Superman jumped into the air then flew with arms outstretched. Clark always took off his tie first. That and the music were the sign Clark was soon to be Superman. I wondered about the suits he left in telephone booths and alleys. I figured he always went back to the storage room for the suits he left at work but what about the others.  Now I just can’t imagine his clothing allowance. I can still see in my mind’s eye the train and the shooting gun when Superman was described at the beginning of the program, “Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive.” It was stirring to see Superman, arms akimbo, with the flag waving behind him. The world was in good hands!

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33 Comments on ““Look up in the sky! It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s Superman!””

  1. Hedley Says:

    Our mouse machine has been relatively quiet. Any little critter that makes it to the basement is no match for the attentions of the terrier. She will deposit her trophy in the kitchen so we understand why she makes the big bucks.
    Tottenham got a result at QPR, and sit four, we are trying to lure the kids for a formal lunch and football tomorrow, I think we are last choice after a shark bite or something.
    “Where are we now?” Has asked Bowie after such a long absence – im6 isn’t sure but I love it and can’t wait for the new album in March.

    • Kat Says:

      My Dear Hedley,

      I would like to borrow Maggie. Gracie finds them but never dispatches them! Once I watched her chase one round and round a tree in the yard. It reminded me of the book Little Black Sambo (now renamed) which I read as a kid.

      I’m going to watch the game tomorrow with friends: tacos are on the menu. I’m doing dessert and will hunt for something appropriate to the game.

      It appears Tottenham is having a bit of a better season than usual.

      • Hedley Says:

        Kat, they need for finish in the top 4 to get a place in next year’s champions league which is both prestigious and lucrative. Fingers are crossed at this end.

        Maggie shakes them and we dispose. Just a terrier being a terrier.

      • Kat Says:

        My Dear Hedley,
        In what place are they now?

        Gracie does that with her toys: shakes the heck out of them, but isn’t great with mice!

  2. Bob Says:

    Superman was one of my favorite programs. Like you I never could understand why smart characters couldn’t put two and two together when it came to the man of steel’s secrete identity. I always wondered why he had to change his cloths. I would have thought that he could make his street cloths into his Superman garb. It would have fit right into the same suspension of disbelief even in the 1950s. I guess that the author of the original comic book series in the 1930s couldn’t even imagine that Superman could transform his clothing. When I think about that opening just think about how many kids today have never seen or even thought about a Steam Locomotive. It would be as foreign to them as a telephone rotary dial.

    George Reeves, who played Superman on the TV series, died at age 45 from a gunshot wound which was ruled a suicide. There is some controversy about that ruling. I guess he wasn’t faster than a speeding bullet 🙂 Years ago my mother-in-law bought me a night shirt with the Superman emblem on the front and the words about the bullet on the back. I never wore it because I didn’t like the inference about speediness which could be tied to sleep wear 🙂

    Today the temperature is dropping and the rain is falling from a gray overcast. We might even wake up tomorrow morning to a winter mix. Hopefully, the roads will be clear and the airport open since I have to fly to New Jersey.

    • Kat Says:

      Glasses and a curl would never have confused me! I’d have known!!

      I think the suits and the fedora just wouldn’t lend themselves to flying. I think a cape is a necessity, and if he wore the same suit all the time (made from his blanket like the Superman outfit was), people might wonder about his clothing habits. That might have gone a bit far. Lois would had to have noticed the fashion mistake.

      I laughed at your reason for not wearing it!

      I had read about his death and the questions which linger.

      It is dark right now. We had rain this morning so the day is damp and it is warm. For the game tomorrow, it will be quite warm, even 60˚ in some parts of the state.

      • Bob Says:

        My thoughts were that he would use his super powers to transform the double breasted suit, tie, glasses and fedora and would convert them into the superman costume. All of his attire would be made from the blanket but he would have the power to either transmute them or use super duper powers to change everyone’s perceptions. When he was Clark Kent they would see him in the earth garb and he would allow everyone to see him in his costume when he was preforming good deeds.

      • Kat Says:

        That is way beyond my imaginings.

        Did he have the power to make people see what isn’t there or to change what they were seeing?

  3. Birgit Says:

    “Look up in the sky! It’s a bird! It’s a plane!…” – It’s SUPERGROVER!!!
    Today old kids at my age are celebrating 40 years Sesame Street in Germany with a looong TV night. 🙂 I remember the first trial broadcasts, black-and-white and in English. I couldn’t understand a word, but it was fun.

    I never was a Bowie fan, but surprisingly I like his new song. The video is strange, great 70s Berlin footage, but it’s painful to look at the cut-out faces. Anyway, meanwhile the video link is blocked in my crazy country.

    • Kat Says:

      When I was in Africa, I read about Sesame Street in the NY Sunday Times (which had been given to me as a gift) so I knew all about the phenomenon though I didn’t get to see it until I got home.

      I waffle about Bowie, liking him and then not, but I do really like this new song. If the rest of the album is as good, I’m buying it, my first of his!

      Why is the link locked?

    • Hedley Says:

      Even with all the Igg connections ?

      Obviously David has been missing since the heart attack following the Reality tour and then out of nowhere a new fab single with a super bizarro video reflecting on times in Berlin. Somehow he and Tony Visconti have put together an entire album without anyone knowing. The “deluxe” edition has three extra tracks and will run approximately 60 minutes

      All together now
      “It’s not the side effects of the cocaine, I’m thinking that it must be love” 🙂

      We didn’t have an official record anything like that at Dorking Grammar School, but if we did, it would for,sure have been Hunky Dory

      • Birgit Says:

        Hedley, despite all Igg connections!
        I’m not sure, I think it was Bowies voice (which is darker now) and his keyboard sound that prevented me from getting deeper into his music. Good music, but not my music.

      • Kat Says:

        Hunky Dory- love that!!!

        That was one of his better albums!

  4. Bill S. Says:

    Your descriptions of a busy week makes me think about our college reunions. We are having one here in Feb., and only one of the group who will be here is still working. We could easily have the reunion during the week rather than the weekends. I guess it’s old habits….

    A great line from Downton Abbey: Matthew Crawley comments that he could work during the week and take care of the estate on the weekends. Granny Grantham responds: What is a weekend?” It says a lot about the idle upper class during the Edwardian era.

    • Kat Says:

      Didn’t we graduate the same year from college? 1969? If so, what year is this reunion or is it just a reunion of good friends?

      Weekends are special. Weekdays seldom are!

      I use the line Every day is Saturday!

      • Hedley Says:

        Bill and Kat
        I am deep in to Downton 3 (thank you all region DVD player) and hopefully you are enjoying the series.
        I wanted to alert you to “Parades End” which is a joint BBC/HBO production of a Tom Stoppard series. It is marvelous, don’t miss it on HBO

      • Kat Says:

        I am in the market for a multi-region DVD player as my friend from Australia is hoping to send video. What do you suggest? You were right about my Nikon D90.

        Thank you for the heads up about Parade’s End. When does it start on HBO?

      • Hedley Says:

        There are various issues with all region, including which regions you want to open and whether or not you want Blu Ray capacity. The players are usually grey market as they are adapted. Mrs MDH just upgraded me to a Sony S590 which will also do 3D. The picture quality is outstanding andi have a stack of UK DVDs ready to go.
        It’s February 26 on HBO, and it’s fantastic.

      • Bill S. Says:

        Yes, 1969 was the year. However, for sophomore and junior years we lived in International House at UNH, a large Victorian house for 35 students. About 1/2 of them (that makes 17-1/2 students!) were American, and the rest were first-year foreign students. The idea was for the American roommates to help the foreign students acclimatize to the university and American life in general. During our two years we had friends from the past I.House as well as some who followed us. So, our group spans several years, but most of them are now retired. There is a hardcore of about 12 of us, some of whom met at I.House and married, including Peg and me. Most of the reunion group is Americans, as the foreigners have either returned to their native countries, or have lost contact with the rest of us. We have been getting together in July every year since 1978 or ’79, and for the past four years we have also met in Feb. This year we are hosting in Mont Vernon.

  5. olof1 Says:

    I’ve had just the same kind of day and I’ve done nothing to change it 🙂 Even my pets have stayed calm all day so it must be contagious 🙂

    They never showed Superman or any of the super heroes on tv when I grew up but they have started to show old Batman episodes on one channel now and I like them a lot 🙂 I’m not sure the kids do though 🙂

    Have a great day!

    • Kat Says:

      I’m going to take a nap. I figure the day will pass quicker that way. Gracie is outside playing with her friend Cody so she is having a good afternoon.

      I was a bit too old when Batman started though I did watch it for the camp of it.

  6. Caryn Says:

    Hi Kat,
    I was having a nothing day but then decided to go to the post office. After that I took pity on poor Rocky and brought him to the lakeside so he could sniff around and pee on different things than the ones in the yard to which he has been confined recently. I did some photography while he did his thing. The lakeside was snowy, icy, muddy, soaking wet, and slippery. At least it wasn’t cold.
    We are recovering on the couch now.
    Batman was cool. I still remember the talk about it in school the day after the first episode was aired. It was so silly.
    I watched Superman but wasn’t all that into it. Later on it showed up in reruns and I watched it then, too. It fell into the same category as Perry Mason for me: period costume drama. Perry Mason is better, though. All that blonde oak paneling in his office. Mmmm. 😀
    Enjoy the day.

    • Kat Says:

      Hi Caryn,
      I tried to take a nap, but I kept hearing the mouse but not seeing it. That animal is my torment now. It has totally the have-a-heart trap so I’m going to move the other traps upstairs. They too don’t kill but just kept the mouse held in a box. That was how I caught the first one.

      I still manage to watch Perry Mason every now and then. I think all of us should have a Paul and Della type of worker, especially Della who did everything.

      I just took my shower and fed the dog, about the most interesting things I’ve done all day. Blah!!

  7. It is fun to suspend judgement and reality for a bit, especially after a hard week. That said, sometimes we all miss that which is just before us. :>)

    • Kat Says:

      It was far easier when I was little, but I still manage that suspension of disbelief necessary to enjoy some movies.

      It’s true about what we miss which should be obvious.

  8. MT C Says:

    And the stance to ward off bullets should have been a registered move. It was always exactly the same. He also must have used a whole tube of Brilcreme every show to keep his hair in place while flying so fast.

    Funny, Sunshine Superman immediately sprung to mind as my very first thought when I saw your posted photo and began to read.


    • Kat Says:

      I forget about his bouncing bullets stance. You’re so right! A little dab had done him well!!

      Love that song!

  9. katry Says:

    I know they’ll enjoy Mont Vernon; I sure did. Where do they all stay?

    I lived in an off campus apartment for two years (one illegally-my junior year), as I didn’t love dorm life, but i wouldn’t have minded the I-House you mentioned. It sounds interesting and fun.

    Have a great reunion!!

    • Bill S. Says:

      Except for one couple coming from Franconia, they don’t stay, as they are all from MA or NH. As my mother-in-law used to say: “It’s great when you are all here, but it’s even nicer when you leave.”
      And we can’t miss our friends until they leave.

      Our I. House was at the edge of UNH, within 10 minutes walk of most classes. It was co-ed, with a women’s section and a men’s section. At that time the women had a curfew of 11 during the week, and 1 on weekends. The door between sections was locked by our housemother at curfew, then she went to bed. But someone always had a key, and since the kitchenette was in the men’s section, we co-mingled after hours. I’m sure she knew.

  10. Guest Says:

    In the modern comic books people beleive Superman is Superman. They aren’t looking for an alter ego, hence while some people may think Clark Kent may look like Superman, this would just be considered a coincidence.
    Also remember Clark’s voice is suposed to be different then Superman’s. This was most pronounced when Bud Collyer portrayed him on radio. Cark is a tenor while Superman is a bass. In Superman the Movie Christopher Reeve changed his voice slightly. It is very slight and you have to listen for it.

    • katry Says:

      Hi Guest,
      I don’t think I have ever heard the radio Superman. Did Bud do both Superman’s and his alter ego’s voice? I also didn’t notice it in the movies, but I’ll be listening the next time I see it. This is actually the first time I’ve ever been told about the different voices. Thanks!

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