Alice Blue Gown: Kate and Anna McGarrigle

Alice Blue is a light blue-gray or steel blue color that was favored by Alice Roosevelt Longworth, daughter of Theodore Roosevelt and sparked a fashion sensation in the U. S.. The hit song “Alice Blue Gown”, inspired by Longworth’s signature gown, premiered in the 1919 Broadway musical Irene. The musical was made into a movie in 1940 starring Anna Neagle and Ray Milland.

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11 Comments on “Alice Blue Gown: Kate and Anna McGarrigle”

  1. john Says:

    I just got the latest Kate & Anna CD, Odditties, from (Canada) a nice tribute collection with “Log Driver’s Waltz” alone being worth the price.

  2. Ralph Says:

    Simply a perfect song for them!

  3. Lori Kossowsky Says:

    Wonderful. If my cat were not sleeping I’d waltz with her.

  4. katry Says:

    Thanks, David.
    I don’t even remember where I got the song, but at least now I know where it came from.

  5. katry Says:

    Thanks for the link- I know I saw it a long while back and it is fun to see it again.

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