“January is here, with eyes that keenly glow, A frost-mailed warrior striding a shadowy steed of snow.”

Today is much like yesterday only a bit warmer. Snow is coming and by tomorrow they predict 3-6 inches, a mere trifle, kick away snow, broom away snow. I have some errands to do which makes it feel like a before retirement Saturday. I think it a bit strange that I could barely wait for the weekend when I was working yet I used to spend all of Saturdays cleaning and shopping.

The birds haven’t yet found the filled feeders. I keep checking hoping to see a chickadee or a nuthatch. I forgot to buy suet so that’s on my list today. Maybe the snow will bring the birds back to their familiar haunts.

We used to spend wintry Saturdays watching TV. Our favorites were on in the morning then we got to watch Creature Feature. I remember sitting on the rug in front of the set. My mother would let us eat lunch watching TV because we mostly had sandwiches which were safe from spills. The milk was another story and my mother never failed to caution us. Most times we’d make two trips: one for the sandwich and the other for the glass of milk. I remember holding the glass against my chest as I walked so any spill would land on my shirt. Holding it only with one hand was the older me.

When I was young, I used to love to read in bed on a rainy Saturday. I think it was because I could feel the rain all around me. I’d hear it on the roof and on the window at the foot of my bed. After the drops hit the pane, they’d drizzle down getting smaller and smaller until I couldn’t see them any more. I still love to read on a rainy day.

A snowy Saturday was for sitting near the window watching the flakes fall. Snow is silent. It hushes and mutes the world. I’d check to see how high the snow was by using the steps as my gauge. When the snow was high enough, we’d go outside and play until we were so cold our whole bodies were red and our lips were blue.

It never occurred to us that we were missing a snow day with a Saturday storm. The snow made the day special, and that was all that mattered.

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6 Comments on ““January is here, with eyes that keenly glow, A frost-mailed warrior striding a shadowy steed of snow.””

  1. Zoey & Me Says:

    I did so love the snow when I was young but can’t handle even the brisk coolness up in DC in November. I chill out as they say. Very uncomfortable. I think someone once said living in the tropics thins out your blood. Maybe it does. I have a great respect for you surviving up there in the cold Kat. Especially since you could well afford a condo in Florida for the winter. YAY 79 degrees today!

    • katry Says:

      Winter happens. They all get a turn and we get spring, summer and fall, generally lovely times of the year, before winter comes again.

      I grouse about the cold, but wouldn’t move, haven’t ever given it any thought.

  2. olof1 Says:

    We used to see the morning shows on tv every winter vacation. I loved Scoby Doo and wouldn´t miss a single program. But then some parents wrote to tv and said their children goit scared by that show and so it was gone. That would not happen today 🙂 🙂 🙂

    Otherwise we were outside wether we wanted it or not, that was good for children they said 🙂

    But like You I loved to read on rainy days. I used to eat sandwiches with cheese and a cup of cocoa by my side 🙂

    Have a great day!

    • katry Says:

      There were plenty of programs all morning. We had cartoons and westerns and Howdy Doody and so many more.

      If it was really cold or snowy, we were inside staying warm.

      I loved cocoa.

  3. Bob Says:

    Today it started snowing this morning and has continued all day in Dallas Texas. Only about a couple of inches have accumulated on the grassy areas but the streets are just wet because the temperature yesterday was 60 degrees. I can’t wait until I have to drive to work in the morning when we roads have iced up as the temperature is forecasted to go down to the upper twenties and the snow is changing to freezing drizzle. We didn’t venture outside but instead stayed inside and caught up on some old movies.

    It looks nice today, but tomorrow should be a wonderful experience on the highways with Texans in, ‘pick um’ up trucks. The new ones are always going at least 20 MPH above the speed limit and the old ones are going at least 10 MPH below the speed limit. The rest of the drivers only have experienced snow on an Aspen ski slope. One freeway has already experienced a nine car pile up.

    • katry Says:

      We ended up with 3 measly inches of snow. They are predicting another storm but the cape is due to get a mix. If we do, the rain will end up like your ice and the morning rides for people will be tough.

      I saw the pileup on TV, and I knew it was people not used to driving on icy or snow-packed streets. We tease our southern friends that the inch of snow they all got must have closed down the county.

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