“I wish that every day was Saturday and every month was October.”

The wind is intermittently strong enough to bend branches and twirl leaves. The morning is fall cold, the sort of cold which disappears as the day gets older. The sun is bright but not quite warm enough. It is a sweatshirt day.

When I walk through the house, I find small chewed pieces of branches and pine cones and even a few brown leaves dangling from a small branch. Nala brings them inside through the dog door, but because she always goes in and out that door, I pretty much ignore her comings and goings. Henry is using the dog door every now and then. This morning he came in to watch me get the papers.

I had Frosted Flakes for breakfast. If I had been sitting on the floor watching TV while I was eating, I could have been ten again watching Creature Double Feature. I am watching a science fiction movie which, at best, is a B-movie. It is called Monsters of War. The monsters are dinosaurs, hungry dinosaurs. The movie is in color. It needs to be black and white. It fits.

My dance card has a few items. One is the dump, but I’ll save that for tomorrow. It gives me something to look forward to says I with tongue in cheek. The others are uke concerts, today and tomorrow. I’ll have to bundle up.

When I was a little kid, my Saturdays, after breakfast and a movie, were unplanned. In the winter, I could go to a matinee up town. On warmer Saturdays I’d roam on my bike, no destination in mind. My mother never asked where I was going once she saw my bike. She knew I didn’t know.

I liked the back roads of my town. I’d pick a direction. I had stops. One was the horse barn behind the town hall. The horses were in stalls. I could see their heads from the doorway. Another stop was the zoo. I’d watch the mountain goats and deer in the first exhibit, one you could see from the sidewalk. There were rocky hills to climb for the goats. I remember being amazed to see a couple of goats at the very top just standing there surveying their world. Another direction led to the next town and Lake Quannapowitt. Sometimes I’d circle the lake. Other times I’d just bike home a different way. I remember the train station near the church. The golf course was in another direction. I’d walk my bike along the side of the road looking for errant golf balls. I often found one on someone’s lawn across the street.

I was gone all day on Saturdays. I cherished the day because Sunday was a wasted day to me with church in the morning and having to stay close to home waiting for dinner in the afternoon. After dinner, we’d watch some TV before going early to bed. I remember westerns.

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4 Comments on ““I wish that every day was Saturday and every month was October.””

  1. Bob Says:

    Hi Kat,

    Today was another beautiful day. Clear skies and a high in the low 90s. A cold front is expected to bring storms and cooler temperatures tomorrow night.

    Today we traveled to Glen Rose and then on to Stephenville. Glen Rose is the county seat of Somervell county and Stephenville is the county seat of Erath county. In Glen Rose we stopped for a barbecue lunch at Hammonds on U.S. 67. We’ve eaten there before and as usual it was terrific.

    After lunch, we continued down highway 67 another 35 miles to Stephenville. Both towns have historic, restored, downtown squares with the county courthouses In the centers. In Glen Rose there was a small flee market on the square where one older man was selling anti-Biden tee shirts. 🙁 Rural Texas is the buckle of the ultra conservative Bible Belt. That’s why a Democrat hasn’t held statewide office since 1993 when Ann Richards was governor.

    I ate a Hostess Twinkie with my coffee for breakfast. A true breakfast of champions. 🙂

    • katry Says:

      Hi Bob,
      Today here started out nice, but it got cloudy and cooler. I had an outside concert, and the wind got chilly.

      Barbecue doesn’t seem to make it here. There have been two barbecue restaurants, and I ate at both but neither made it. I guess tourists prefer seafood.

      Stephenville sounds like place I’d like. That flee market would have caught this shopper’s eyes.

      Rural Texas is not where I’d ever want to be. I’m quite happy living here, but this state does have contradictions. We are deeply Democratic yet we have a republican governor who is quite popular.

      I always liked Hostess Twinkies.

      • Bob Says:

        Barbecue is a very regional food. Texas style barbecue is smoked brisket, smoked pork ribs, with a sweet tomato based sauce. In places like North Carolina they barbecue hogs. Pulled pork shoulder with a vinegar based sauce is the style. In Georgia they smoke the whole hog with vinegar type sauce. Kansas City barbecue is brisket burnt ends and pork ribs with a very sweet tomato based sauce. Unfortunately, there’s no historic version of New England style barbecue. However, the sea food is fabulous. When I’m in your neck of the woods I would eat seafood for every meal. 🙂

  2. katry Says:

    My brother-in-law has an amazing smoker and smokes just about anything including pizza. I haven’t tasted anything as they are in Colorado, but his brisket is supposed to be heavenly.

    I’d like to enjoy all sorts of barbecue, far more than I’ve tasted. I have been to a pig roast and to Greek Easter at a friend’s house where it was lamb on the grill for hours. We’d just slice the meat from the top as it was cooking. Each piece was oozing butter and lemon.

    I do love my seafood.

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