“I owe it all to little chocolate donuts.”

The sunlight has changed. It has a sharpness. Only the leaves up high are silhouetted in the light. The lower leaves are shaded now. It feels like fall. Last night was cold, shut the windows and doors cold. I needed my sweatshirt. Today is warmer, but I still need my sweatshirt. Maybe this weather is a sort of harbinger for the official start of fall a bit later in the month.

I’m going out today. I need cream for my coffee. It’s essential, and I figure since I’ll be out and about, I should add a couple of other stops. One stop is for fun shopping, another stop is for animal shopping for birds, a dog and cats. The last stop is for the cream and bread I need and anything else which catches my eye, think turnovers or pieces of chocolate cake. That will finish my venturing for today and perhaps for even tomorrow.

When I was a kid, Sunday mornings started with church clothes and mass. Sometimes I’d ride to church with my father, the usher at the 8 o’clock mass. If I missed him, I’d walk to church, usually with my brother. The walk was only 15 or so minutes. The church was right beside our school. My brother and I looked to sit in an inconspicuous pew, one we could leave early from without much attention. With my father, we had to wait until most of the church was empty before we could leave. There was, however, a silver lining. My father always stopped to buy a dozen donuts. When I was with him, I could pick one or two and was assured of getting my favorite, butternut. It has always been my favorite but then, a few years back, Dunkin Donuts stopped making butternut donuts. I have no favorite now.

Some days I get a craving for a different sort of food, to be delivered of course. Chinese is the old stand-by. Jumbo shrimp is always on my list as is crab Rangoon. Sometimes it’s rice, sometimes noodles. The other day I wanted seafood so my weekly dinner delivery was shrimp and French fries. The shrimp was perfect. The French fries were amazing, not boring as they sometimes are. The cole slaw was delicious. I wish I had more than a little cupful. The tartar sauce needed just a small kick of horseradish for my taste. I loved that dinner. Great pick, I decided.

New week coming up, newn yen I hope.

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8 Comments on ““I owe it all to little chocolate donuts.””

  1. Bob Says:

    Hi Kat,

    Another beautiful day is forecast with highs in the upper 80s.

    I will eat anything that’s NOT good for me. Maybe that’s the secret to survival although not necessarily a long life. Of course, what’s the good of longevity, if you have to give up fun foods. When we were hunter gatherers we needed all that sugar and fat to keep us going with all the hunting and the gathering. Now, all we have to do is hunt for where we left the TV remote and gather up the car keys to go to the grocery store. 🙂 I’ve always said that everything I liked in life was either illegal, immoral or fattening. I became a pilot, so goodbye to illegal, I got married so there’s no more extramarital variety of fun and that leaves the only enjoyment, fattening. 🙂

    When working from home the weekends don’t seem so special. I still don’t have my home office put together. My spouse hates the word ‘office’ for that room so we call it the library because it has one wall with built in floor to ceiling bookshelves. When I’m in there working from home it’s my office. 🙂 I don’t think this work from home thing will disappear completely when the pandemic has been defeated. For many companies they can reduce office floor space, save on electricity and on WiFi usage. It’s just been transferred to the employee. Maybe my company will give me a monthly stipend for working at home. I doubt it.

    • katry Says:

      Hi Bob,
      It stayed beautiful here too but in the low 70’s so I’ve kept my windows closed. The backdoor is open for Henry.

      I figure once you hit a certain age you can be free to do what you want including eating what you want. Life ought to be well lived. I know you love chocolate as do I. I bought a bar at the store. It is a treat for me.

      I agree that working from home won’t disappear. There should be a stipend to cover personal expenses. The company will still save money.

  2. Birgit Says:

    It’s still strange to read that you go shopping on a Sunday. Especially the conservative party which calls itself Christian party wants to open shops on Sunday here but most people doesn’t. I hope we can keep our weekly day of rest.
    Municipal elections today (no real change, I voted early) and also Open Heritage Day, more interesting but not much choice due to Corona. We went to an old colliery by bike. It was nice to see it again or as wikipedia says it’s “undoubtedly one of the most beautiful and impressive testimonies to Germany’s industrial history”. Whatever, a nice sunny day off.

    • katry Says:

      For the longest time Massachusetts was governed by the Blue Laws. Only a store with a couple of employees could open. That usually meant the small store on the corner. Grocery stores, clothing stores and the rest could not open. The change came slowly. First it was stores could open on Sunday near Christmas. It went on from there. We were one of the last state holdouts to allow open on Sunday.

      • Bob Says:

        Here in Texas we had the craziest blue laws. After all, this is the buckle of the Biblebelt. Grocery stores could stay open, but couldn’t sell certain items such as nails or a hammer. Those sections had to be roped off.

        There were lots of crazy laws that had to do with alcohol sales. At one time you couldn’t get a mixed drink in a bar, only beer and wine. You could bring your own bottle and the bar would serve you set ups, soda or ice and you mixed your own drink. 🙁 There were private clubs that could sell cocktails but they required you to buy a membership. Almost no one was a member because the club gave out guest memberships to everyone. 🙂 We had a governor named Dolf Briscoe who knew that the drinkers never voted. He told the Texas Alcohol and Tobbaco Commission to prohibit guest memberships in any private clubs right before the election. This angered the drinkers so much that they voted to allow liquor by the drink on a local option basis. The Baptists and the Church of Christ folks were in the majority in Texas, at least back then, except for the angry drinkers that one year.

      • katry Says:

        I forgot about roped off sections. Here it was alcohol roped off though not anymore.

        My hometown was a dry town. The next town over sold alcohol. As with your restaurants, the ones in my town allowed outside alcohol and provided the mixers. You had to vote to change the alcohol laws in each town. Finally, they allowed alcohol to be sold in town and served in restaurants. There were clubs which served alcohol here as well. Nobody got mad.

  3. jan Says:

    Chicken Kiev, with extra extra extra butter. YUM!

    • katry Says:

      I made it a couple of times. The butter spurted out onto the plate. It was a definite YUM!!

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