“In skating over thin ice our safety is in our speed.”

I are prepared for the coming weather event even though it appears the Cape may be spared the foot or more of snow. The last forecast had us getting a mixture of snow and rain. I was glad at first but later I figured that just might be as bad as all snow, maybe even worse. I already live in an ice skating rink. My street is covered except for a couple of down to the pavement ruts. I have had to throw de-icer on Gracie’s steps several times, usually in the afternoon as it gets colder. Yesterday I had trouble getting out of my driveway and then the car had trouble getting up the small incline on the next street. I have to plan to stop when I’m on secondary roads so I won’t slide through the intersection. As it is I have to go half-way out into the main streets to look both ways, but today I am spared all that as I have nothing I need to do. I rejoice!

My father always went to work despite the snow though I do think he was home during a hurricane. I don’t remember him shoveling, but I know he did as the walkway was free of snow and his car was gone. My dad had a routine, and snow was no obstacle.

Back then sidewalks stayed covered and we mostly walked on the street. We’d go one by one as close to the piles of plowed snow as we could. When we heard the crunch of tires on the road behind us, we knew a car was coming so we’d stop to let it pass. The driver went by us ever so slowly.

The roads were never completely cleared of snow so sliding cars were common. My hill was so steep that it was easier to go around to the side road to avoid the bottom part of the hill then hope to get up the hill to our house from there. We were more than half-way up the hill, but the steepest part was still beyond us. I can remember the sounds of cars struggling over and over to get up that hill.

My dad always put his snow tires on the car sometime in November. That made winter official.

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6 Comments on ““In skating over thin ice our safety is in our speed.””

  1. olof1 Says:

    If a house owner doeasn’t showel the sidewalks by their house or they’ll get a fine and it has been that way since as long as I can remember. So sidewalks are usually well kept unless it is the county that’s supoposed to do it because they don’t want to spend any money on anything 🙂 I guess they have a good insurance 🙂

    41F here today so the snow melted rather quickly and now it’s reezing so I guess it will be mostly ice on our roads tomorrow. At least it won’t be boring going for our walks, I’ll be too occupied to not slip and fall 🙂

    I remember one morning a few years back when the road was so icy that I didn’t manage to drive up the hill to get to work 🙂 I slid down the ditch by the side of the road several times before I gave up and called my work place, thankfully the ditch is shallow so I managed to get up from it every time 🙂

    Have a great day!

    • katry Says:

      It is that way now in most cities, but it wasn’t that way when I was young. The owners now have a certain amount of time to clear the snow or they’ll get a $50.00 fine then a $200.00 fine if they still haven’t shoveled.

      I noticed a blood trail on the deck so I think Gracie must have cut her paw last night. I checked today but found no cuts on or between her paws.

      The sky is darkening but nothing is suppose to start until tomorrow.

      Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. Caryn Says:

    Hi Kat,
    It’s snowing. It started about a half hour ago. I need to go out and get some things done but I was putting it off. I think I should scream now and go out and do what I have to do while I scream. 🙂

    The sidewalks weren’t shoveled when I was a kid either. We walked in the street. There’s been an ongoing rant on my community page about the DPW clearing out the snow in the dark of night when there isn’t any traffic. People are po’d because of the noise. Of course people would be po’d if they cleared it out during the day and screwed up traffic. There’s no pleasing people.

    Enjoy the day and I hope the weather event is not as bad as they say it will be.

    • katry Says:

      Hi Caryn,
      We have had a flurry but nothing long term. I did everything yesterday so I’m safe for staying inside today. I was even thinking of making a cake or some cupcakes to stay busy. I actually dusted this morning.

      It’s true about never pleasing people. There are complainers no matter what is done. I think winter is the season for complainers: we have snow, ice and cold, lots to complain about.

      I too hope the weather event will be a non-event! Stay warm!

  3. Bob Says:

    I arrived here in Toronto where has been snowing. I think they are forecasting 36 cm of snow over the weekend. I knew I couldn’t go the entire winter without experiencing some snow. It was clear and 78 degrees when we left Dallsd this afternoon. I will keep you posted on my adventure in the snow this week.

    • katry Says:

      Hi Bob,
      You and I can swap snow stories. We on the Cape though are lucky. We got about an inch last night while Boston got closer to five. They are expecting 2 feet in total. I can’t imagine where they’ll put that snow.

      At least the new snow makes the yard pretty again.

      Hunker down-you’ll survive!

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