Johnny My Love -Grandma’s Diary: Hank Locklin

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10 Comments on “Johnny My Love -Grandma’s Diary: Hank Locklin”

  1. Ralph Says:

    “File not found.”

  2. Ralph Says:

    I still get file not found. No biggie.

  3. Ralph Says:

    Yes, this is just a one-off thing. I use Firefox, like you.

  4. katry Says:

    I thought you couldn’t find the link, not the player file. I can’t seem to fox that no matter what I do.
    If anyone wants the song, I’ll send it.

  5. Ralph Says:

    No, dear, I think we all know where the link is by now. But thanks for sending the song. Didn’t want to download it but it was nice to listen.

  6. katry Says:

    It drove me crazy, Ralph. I couldn’t see any reason for the lack of player music.

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