Happy May Day
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  1. katry Says:

    James Thomson quote

  2. Bob Says:

    I never got nor understood the “May Pole”. I knew May Day was significant to the old Soviet Union but never knew why.

    • katry Says:

      Our May Day and the Soviet’s May Day are quite different. We celebrate Bringing in the May by gathering cuttings of flowers for our homes. I remember my friend’s mother always left her a basket of flowers on her front steps every May 1.

      As for the Soviets, they celebrated International Workers’ Day. I remember seeing clips of the parades in Moscow including ballistic missiles.

      The May pole could be a Pagan ritual for fertility or just a dance welcoming May.

  3. Birgit Says:

    Happy May Day!
    International Workers’ Day is a public holiday here. Traditional May Day festivities with May poles (only in rural villages nowadays), dancing, drinking, spring celebrations and parties weren’t allowed due to corona restrictions. Same for Walpurgis Night yesterday which is usually celebrated as Dance into May. Several smaller Worker’s Day and the usual left-wing and nazi rallies took place today. We went biking.

    • katry Says:

      Happy May Day to you as well!!

      I remember the Soviet parades with troops and rockets in Moscow on May Day. Trump, of course, wanted something similar. He didn’t get it.

      May Day is not celebrated in any of its form here. It is just the first day of the new month. I’d vote for the flowers in May in anyone asked.

      I hope you enjoyed your ride.

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