“Will looked horrified. “What kind of monster could possibly hate chocolate?”

Last night was freezing, literally. The water on my top step had frozen leaving a thick layer of ice. I knew to check it. Gingerly is the perfect word to describe how I approached going down that front step.

The light on my house has icicles. I knocked down what I could. One long thick one remains. It will stay awhile as right now it is 23˚. The day will get warmer, to 26˚.

Yesterday, I actually went to the dump. It was as empty as I have ever seen it. After that, I made one more stop before home. Today I could go out or not. I’ll see how I feel later.

Jack sleeps under one of the guest rooms beds near the heater. My Siamese cats used to love lying there. I put an afghan down for their comfort. It is still there. That’s where Jack lies. Gwen is always on the bed.

When I was a kid, oatmeal was sometimes our winter breakfast. It was the old-fashion sort which had to be cooked on the stove. I swear there were always lumps, but with milk and more than enough sugar, the lumps disappeared.

On days like today, my mother sometimes put soup in my thermos. My favorite was chicken noodle. The key to eating it was to be careful pouring the soup into the thermos cover, the sort of bowl, so that the chicken didn’t plop and stain my blouse. It sometimes did anyway, but I was young enough not to care or be embarrassed.

We didn’t have ordinary, living among us vampires to be afraid of when I was a kid. They hadn’t shown up yet or maybe they had, and we didn’t know. Anyway, we had the originals: Frank, The Mummy, the Wolfman, Dracula and the Creature from the Black Lagoon. I always felt a little sorry for the Wolfman. He wasn’t responsible for the reign of terror he caused. Larry Talbot got bitten by a werewolf. That’s all it took. The sad part is Larry’s father killed the werewolf with Larry’s own silver cane. Larry turned back to human form after his father had killed him.

The monsters didn’t scare me. Things like breaking my mother’s back if I stepped on a crack did. I never tested it. What if it was real?

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6 Comments on ““Will looked horrified. “What kind of monster could possibly hate chocolate?””

  1. Sheila Says:

    Speaking of breaking your mother’s back … do you remember … My mother punched your mother in the nose, what color blood came out? Geez, the fun things we did when we were kids! hahaha

    • katry Says:

      I don’t even remember that. It is pretty funny. It sounds like a bit like a jumping rope song when you have too jump fast and count.

  2. Christer. Says:

    -9,4F here this morning and it rose all they way up to 15 something before it startged to fall again. I must admit that I really don’t need any more winter this year. They say it’ll be just as cold tomorrow, yay.

    I only had those monsters too but always felt sorry for Frankensteins monster, all he wanted was to see something flow, not his fault the little girl didn’t 🙂 🙂 🙂

    Today we have way too many evil things to worry about 🙂 or the same old ones but they’ve evolved in all kinds of ways. I’ve never understood zombies though, they are slow, not only in body but also in mind so they are very easy to kill to be honest, still they never seem to be able to do that in films 🙂 🙂

    Have a great day!


    • katry Says:

      I’m with you in wishing winter gone. We’re in a frigid cold spell which will last into next week with more snow coming though we may luck out with snow then turning rain.

      Frankenstein in the book was more violent and killed more people than in the movie. He was a real monster but I agree. He was Dr. Frankenstein’s creation. The villagers with their torches is my second favorite scene.

      I’m not a fan of zombies either.

      Stay safe.

  3. Birgit Says:

    Perfect winter weather here, snow covered ground, sunny blue sky and a walk on the frozen park pond. I saw many happy kids enjoying the rare snow, for most of them it’s the first real snow winter.
    The garbage bins at the street are waiting to be emptied for days, no problem, I wouldn’t want to drive a big garbage truck on narrow slippery roads either.

    • katry Says:

      Playing in snow is so very much fun especially if you don’t get much snow. Kids can stay out all day, even when a day is at its coldest. Here it is far too cold right now to be out for any kids to be out, and we are only in the middle of frigid cold.

      There were a couple of giant pile-ups on interstates here. One had over 100 cars. They were on icy roads. A FedEx semi hit the boundary then flipped and flattened some cars to start the pile-up.

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