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5 Comments on “”

  1. katry Says:

    Michael Aspel Quote

  2. Bob Says:

    Is that a photo of your dad?

    • katry Says:

      It isn’t but it could be. I recogonize the hat and the suit.

      • Bob Says:

        Yes, I recognize his style from other photos you’ve posted. Men’s clothing styles, except for the hat, haven’t changed very much over time.

      • katry Says:

        My father stopped wearing his fedora, actually wore shirts a different color than white and his leisure pants were corduroy which is funny as he said he hated corduroy. When he was a kid, his corduroy knickers rubbed together and made noise. He hated it. The ones I gave him were small wale so there was no noise, and he loved those pants. The man sartorial changed over time.

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