“Labor Day is a glorious holiday because your child will be going back to school the next day. It would have been called Independence Day, but that name was already taken.”

Last night around midnight I was in bed watching a movie on my iPad when all of a sudden the room lit up. That was the beginning of the thunder and lightning and the torrential rain. The thunder was loud and long-lasting. The rain was so heavy I could hear the drops plunking my air conditioner in a constant rat-a-tat. I got out of bed to look out the window at the storm. I watched for a long while. The wind was whipping the oak branches back and forth and the backlash from the rain hitting the overhang came in the window. I didn’t mind. The storm was exhilarating.

Today is humid and ugly. It is an August day, the sort we usually suffer through each summer but not this year when August days, weather defined, have been noticeably missing. The sun managed to break through for a short time earlier but disappeared and left behind a cloudy, darkish day. It is very still and quiet.

Labor Day was always the last day of summer vacation when I was a kid. It meant a week day bath, setting out my new clothes and arranging the supplies in my school bag. The arranging took the most time as I would put the supplies in then take them out to look at them then put them back in a different arrangement. My mother would put our new lunch boxes on the counter and have them open and ready for packing in the morning. She made us go to bed earlier than we had all summer, but we didn’t fall asleep any earlier. I remember lying in bed thinking about the next day. I was excited about school starting.

My mother woke us up, and we were grumpy because of the early hour. She made us eat breakfast first then we got dressed, grabbed our book bags and lunch boxes and left for school. My friend Michelle and I always walked together. We were a little anxious getting to school on that first morning, but the nervousness wore off quickly because every day after that was always the same. The only thing that changed was my sandwich and the dessert.

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12 Comments on ““Labor Day is a glorious holiday because your child will be going back to school the next day. It would have been called Independence Day, but that name was already taken.””

  1. olof1 Says:

    We’ll get a sunny week they say and I think today was mostly sunny too. Rather warm durimng the day but it is chilly now in the evening. We usually get our first frost night this week but I doubt that will happen, we might get close though 🙂

    If I remember right we always started school around August 18th or so. I did look forward to go to school again but to be honest I looked forward to go to school any day 🙂 Too bad that didn’t show in my grades 🙂 🙂 🙂

    Have a great day!

    • katry Says:

      Today was miserable. I went out to do an errand and couldn’t believe how hot and humid it still was in the late afternoon. The heat is supposed to continue the rest of the week, just in time for the kids going back to school.

      In Clorado they started the 2nd or 3r of August but they get 2 weeks off in October. Towns individually choose when to start school.

      Have a great evening.

  2. flyboybob Says:

    Labor Day was founded to honor the workers. Unfortunately, the last twenty years has been a disaster for workers and a bonanza for businesses. The minimum wage has not increased at all, manufacturing jobs have been sent overseas to third world countries at a rapid pace. The disparity between the top 10% and the rest of the workforce has widened a canyon. Union membership is at an all time low as more States, including Michigan, rush to pass so called ‘right to work’ laws that cripple labor unions.

    There is little for the workers to celebrate today other than a day off from work. Regardless we still have the world’s largest economy and people from all over the world wait for years to immigrate here legally or cross the border illegally.

    Have a great day off.

    • katry Says:

      When I went to do errands today, the roads were nearly empty. With many schools starting this week, people have gone home. There was a 4 mile backup to get over the bridge in the late morning but by 4 o’clock it was down to 2 miles.

      I was not part of a union as an school administrator. Teachers had a union but not administrators. We negotiated individually for our contracts.

      • flyboybob Says:

        You never were a classroom teacher? Teacher’s unions have been given a bad rap like other unions. Teachers are very important to the future of this country and their work has been under valued for years. Public education also gets a bad rap but it is what separates us from a banana republic. 🙂

      • katry Says:

        I was a teacher first and was even president of the union, but I was an administrator longer.

  3. Coleen Says:

    Thanks for the info on Labor Day…I’d forgotten much of its origins…

    And this holiday also means the tourists leave and don’t return til next summer…yay!

    You and I are lucky we can soon begin to enjoy the ocean and beaches without the crowds and craziness…

    Waving from under a beach umbrella…


    • katry Says:

      I had forgotten as well so I did some hunting.

      The roads were nearly deserted when I did my errands around 4. I even found parking space, had a choice of them. The difference in one day is astounding. I wanted to honk my horn in celebration.

      Waving from a sandy, deserted beach!

  4. Caryn Says:

    Hi Kat,
    Wicked hot and humid up here today as well. First thing I did when I woke up was to shut up the house and turn on the AC. It was 6AM and taking the dogs out for their morning walk was enough for me. When they were done, I loaded them in the jeep and drove to Starbucks for my breakfast. By the time we got back home the house was cool and refreshing. That is where I have been all day except for a quick afternoon walk with the dogs which was brutal. Thankfully they thought so too and did their business very quickly so they could get back to the coolth.

    Happy Labor Day. It was very quiet on the roadways around here. Even Route 1 had practically no traffic in either direction. Astonishing.

    Enjoy the evening.

    • katry Says:

      Hi Caryn,
      My AC made the house comfortable. I stood the heat and humidity as long as I could. The house is great now.

      I had to go to CVS and next was going to get a sandwich at my favorite coffee/sandwich/bakery shop. When I got there, they had closed at 3. It was 4:30-I was bummed. I came home, changed and got comfortable.

      Rote 134, always congested, was nearly empty today. It was glorious.

      Have a great evening!

  5. lilydark Says:

    Hi Kat,
    It’s warm here but I stay cool in my garden apartment.
    I always hated Labor Day, because it meant leaving the beach the next day ( traveling home) to get ready for school. I remember my mom picking out my school clothes, which were meant for fall– even if it was still warm. I was so uncomfortable and the first day of school could be horrible or OK– depending on if your friends were in the same class and if your teacher was a good one.
    Here the college kids are coming back– it’s so nice when many of them are away! I think the schools have already started.
    I’ve always been a Union Gal…I can see I like the songs you’ve chosen for this holiday.
    Lori and the Crew.

    • katry Says:

      Hi Lori,
      The college kids are coming back to Boston as well. Most moved in this past weekend. Local schools here open all different days. A couple started last week while the local schools don’t start until Thursday, the latest start.

      I never gave Labor Day much thought. We never spent the summer at the beach so there was no going home, no regret. I liked school, and I usually knew who my teacher would be. By the end of summer, I was ready for a change.

      The unions were responsible for Labor Day so I figure they would be the best songs for the day.


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